Medication Compliance & Drug Monitoring – #HITsm Chat Topic

We’re excited to share the topic and questions for this week’s #HITsm chat happening Friday, 10/5 at Noon ET (9 AM PT). This week’s chat will be hosted by Joy Rios (@askjoyrios) and Robin Roberts (@rrobertsehealth) on the topic of “Medication Compliance & Drug Monitoring”.

One of the most effective medical interventions to significantly improve the health of patients doesn’t require the latest technology or expensive medication but simply involves helping them take their existing medication as prescribed.

It’s not a light topic, but we believe that people can benefit from more awareness about their actual risks, as opposed to sensationalized risks that make good stories for the popular media.

  • Between 41% and 59% of mentally ill patients take their medication infrequently or not at all.
  • Examples of common non-adherence behaviors include:
    • 1 in 2 people missed a dose
    • 1 in 3 forgot if they took the med
    • 1 in 4 did not get a refill on time

Medication non-adherence is an enormous problem that is still largely unaddressed by the healthcare system, but it’s not totally out of our control. Join us for this week’s #HITsm chat as we talk about medication compliance and drug monitoring.

Topics for this week’s #HITsm Chat:
T1: In what ways has medication non-compliance affected you or anyone you know? Professional or Personal. Can be acute or episodic… #HITsm

T2: Why didn’t the patient adhere? Was there a social determinant? An issue with side effects, access or money? Possible Rx abuse? #HITsm

T3: We know communication with healthcare professionals is key in patient’s adherence and that Medication Reconciliation is gaining traction with MIPS, etc., but are providers going into this level of detail (see example) to ensure patients truly understand why they need to take the meds they are prescribed? Why or why not? #HITsm

T4: Beyond condition management, what impact do you think medication non-compliance has on society as a whole? #HITsm

T5: What ideas & thoughts do you have around strategies for improving medication compliance? Have you come across any impactful strategies or workflows? #HITsm

Bonus: What technology do you think could help with these challenges? #HITsm

Upcoming #HITsm Chat Schedule
10/12 – The Importance of Nurses in Healthcare
Hosted by Janet Kennedy (@getsocialhealth) and Carol Bush (@TheSocialNurse) from the Healthcare Marketing Network

We look forward to learning from the #HITsm community! As always, let us know if you’d like to host a future #HITsm chat or if you know someone you think we should invite to host.

If you’re searching for the latest #HITsm chat, you can always find the latest #HITsm chat and schedule of chats here.

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference,, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.

