EHR Usability Survey – Share Your Opinions

The following is a guest request to participate in a research survey on EHR usability from Natasha Ocean, a Masters student at the University of Tennessee. Natasha said she’d probably be able to share the results with us. So, let’s help her out in collecting the data.

As we embark on an era of healthcare reform in this country, it is vitally important that all hospital employees have the tools they need to be able to do their work effectively and efficiently. Yet there has been little research on whether the EHR system, an important tool for many hospital employees, is designed to help those users optimize their productivity.

That’s why I chose the topic of EHR usability for my Master’s thesis at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.

I would really appreciate it if you could take about 5 minutes to complete this survey.

The survey contains 20 multiple choice questions about how EHR usability issues affect your efficiency at work.

Please click here to take the survey.

This is NOT a marketing survey; it is being done solely for the purpose of academic research.

You may read the IRB-approved Informed Consent Statement here (short version: the survey is completely anonymous and no personal or identifying information will be collected).

Thank you so much for your assistance!

About Natasha Ocean
Natasha Ocean, originally from St. Petersburg, Russia, was a practicing neonatologist specializing in life support and critical care before moving to the United States in 2004. She then transitioned her career into IT, working first as a technical project coordinator, then as a healthcare data analyst. She can be reached at

