Should You Put Your Job Search On Hold During the Holidays?

Are you unemployed? Recently let go? In between gigs? Being any of these at this time of year can border on traumatic. I’ve been in recruitment for 20+ years. Year after year I have watched people beat themselves up over trying to find a job at this time of year. Please, accept this one fact. The chance of you finding a job through responding to generic internet or advertised postings or unsolicited resume submission are pretty small this time of year. Relax. Enjoy the season and friends and family. If you don’t, come January you will be kicking yourself for making yourself so miserable.

Am I suggesting you put your job search totally on hold? I think not. This is a great time to plan a marketing effort to friends, family and your network. It’s also a great time to research companies and the people in them that might be able to point you to an opportunity. You can start your health IT company research right on Healthcare IT Central.

You have likely heard before that you should find the hiring manager and contact them directly about the job. I have a problem with those who make such recommendations. The biggest problem with this recommendation is they don’t tell you how to identify the hiring manager and how you get his/her contact information? Over the next few weeks that is what I plan on discussing. A quick example. Are you aware that there is a free website that can verify the validity of an email address? is a gem.

From my experience as a recruiter, I’m going to ask that you do one thing for yourself that I’m sure you have heard many times before. First, take a pen and paper (If you still have any. Otherwise, an iPad, laptop or computer will work too.). Write down the names of everyone you know socially. Now for everyone you know in business. If you use LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, etc, collect them also. If you are a professional or in management, the odds are almost absolute that one of these people will help you find your next opportunity.

A quick story. Not that long ago, I wanted to get involved with football at my local school. Being well staffed, they gave me 1/2 of the chains to run around with. On the other end was a guy I had known for years through sports. Football, Pop Warner, little League. In all the time I knew him, I never asked who he worked for or what he did. Three months after the season, I got a call from the recruiter at my largest account. We spoke of one position that I thought was tough. He then told me not to bother just as another voice jumped on the phone. It was my football buddy.

Take the holidays and connect with your friends near and far. You never know who will help you find your next job.

