Obsolete Office Visits, Tracking Customer Behavior, and More — #HITsm Chat Highlights

John did a full writeup on these topics before the #HITsm chat. Be sure to read his thoughts on Healthcare Unbound.

Topic One: So how long will it be before office visits are no longer the norm? (via Mark Blatt, MD, CMIO Intel)

Topic Two: What technologies will lead the way?

Topic Three: How will these at-home and mobile technologies integrate with existing systems?


Topic Four: Aetna’s CarePass will track customer behavior. Will this become the norm, is it a good thing?

About the author

Katie Clark

Katie Clark is originally from Colorado and currently lives in Utah with her husband and son. She writes primarily for Smart Phone Health Care, but contributes to several Health Care Scene blogs, including EMR Thoughts, EMR and EHR, and EMR and HIPAA. She enjoys learning about Health IT and mHealth, and finding ways to improve her own health along the way.

1 Comment

  • NOW- our mental health clinic gets reimbursed for home visits from a managed Medicaid health plan. Patients use a mobile PHR web app to be empowered during a crisis and track symptom severity.

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