Meaningful Use Final Rule Thoughts

As you can imagine my inbox has been kind of blown up with all the people talking about the final meaningful use rule. It’s going to take a bit to really digest what the final rule will mean for healthcare and EMR in general. I’m still trying to digest everything that’s been said and the 864 pages of the meaningful use rule (seriously, that’s longer than most books I read). Later today I’ll be posting a list of links to the various meaningful use articles and summaries I find on EMR and EHR. I think that will become a really valuable resource since a lot of people have done a lot of digging into the rule already.

While I still have some concerns about how doctors will or will not take to the meaningful use rule and the EMR stimulus money, I have to admit that HHS did scale back some of the requirements rather significantly. I’ve always found David Blumenthal and the other people at ONC to be sincere people that were trying to make a sincere effort to make this work. I think the changes to the meaningful use rule reflect this sincerity also.

Of course, the million dollar question is what will doctors think? There going to be inundated with information. I’m pretty sure a lot of doctors aren’t going to know which way is up and will be sitting out at list the first round of fun to see how their colleagues who take the meaningful use plunge fair first.

Also, here’s the 864 pages of the meaningful use final rule for those who want to go to the source:

If you want to see the HHS dog and pony show that you missed yesterday, I’ve embedded the video of the press conference for meaningful use below:

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference,, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.


  • […] Full Meaningful Use Final Rule, Press Conference Video and EMR and HIPAA MU Thoughts Comparing the Preliminary Meaningful Use Rule to the Final Meaningful Use Rule Done by Inga from HISTalk and a great resource. List of Meaningful Use Webinars – Done by EMR and HIPAA Everything HITECH Analysis of Meaningful Use Advice on Addressing Meaningful Use – Good advice from the Healthcare IT guy on not being in a hurry to address meaningful use. Interview with David Blumenthal About Meaningful Use Mr. HISTalk and John Glaser Reactions to MU (have to scroll down a bit to see the obligatory meaningful use section) Meaningful Use and It’s Impact on Physician Productivity HISTalk Initial Comments and Reactions to MU – Just read the comments on this one. Summary of Meaningful Use Announcement and Rule CMS Page on Meaningful Use Meaningful Use Final Rules Are a Big Deal – Wm. T. Oravecz Take on Meaningful Use Final Rule on HITECH Answers David Blumenthal’s Thoughts on Meaningful Use John Halamka’s Summary of Meaningful Use Final Rule Changes Halamka’s Presentation on the Meaningful Use Final Rule Summary and Other Meaningful Use Documents – The Summary Chart that’s embedded on this is an interesting one. Too bad it’s partially cut off on my screen. Summary of the 2 Reginas and Meaningful Use – Matthew Holt talks about the 2 Reginas that spoke about Meaningful Use of an EHR […]

  • Hi John

    I am sure, as logic dictates, EHR and Structured Data in healthcare will get to the end point given time. As it was rightly pointed out, many of us old enough, are aware of the times when we had to go to the bank to find the balance in the savings account and to do any transactions; and similarly we know how the groceries pricing was marked in pen and paper. Healthcare Information is in that age and through the stimulus, awareness and mandates, will get there where all the structured data can be put to good use for the health of the patient, patient care and to increase the efficiencies.
    Meaningful Use being implemented/demanded off of the Providers could vary – bar may be set lower to ease the requirements for stimulus monies; over time the basic requirements will be mandated and I guess its only logical.
    I look at these developments in the most positve light and I believe its better late than never.

  • You use to go to the bank? I can’t even imagine what that was like. I forget that banks even exist;-)

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